QMTBC and Coronet Peak have teamed up once again this summer to bring you TWO epic events from peak to valley floor!
Save the dates - Saturday 20th January and Saturday 9th March 2024
A 4 hour pass is included in your entry so you can get some practice laps before the racing starts! We will have a shuttle pick up at the bottom, to bring riders back up to prize giving at the Coronet Peak base building.
This event is for everyone from intermediate riders to speedy groms, hard-out downhillers and E-Bike riders.
QMTBC members $60 Adults / $50 Juniors
Non-members $80 Adults / $70 Juniors
Register online now at:
For QMTBC members you can use the following discount code to get the club rate: COROQT-4JBK. Proof of membership will need to be shown when signing in on the day.
If you already have a season pass for Coronet Peak, you can sign in before you register for the event to receive the discounted rate as well.
Here’s how the day will run:
Rego: 10.00 am - 11.00 am
Briefing: 11.30 am
Load lift: 11.45 am
Race runs from: 12 pm
Prizegiving: 3pm (approx)
There are some awesome prizes up for grabs!